Monday 23 February 2015

Creative Use Of Light - Definition

 Light Dictionary Definition - the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.
  • Bright
  • Colourful
  • Fluorsent
  • Luminious
  • Radiant
  • Shadows
This photograph shows off light very well and in a unique way, through colour. It is obvious that the key theme in this photograph is light as the focal point of this image is brightly illuminated in light. The way light is portrayed in the photograph is very clever as it is not natural lighting and it is very abstract.

Light is shown in this image through the use of light drawings. This picture is very unique and abstract which makes is very effective and good to look at. I really enjoy this photograph because the light drawing is done very well and it also shows off depth.

Light is shown in this photograph through the use of shadows. This image is done very well as it is very dramatic and dynamic. This photograph is very effective as the shadows draw the viewer to the focal points of the image.

Light is shown in this photograph through the background. Although the focal point of this image is the girl, the thing thats makes this image stand out is the bright background. Silhouettes are used in this image to show off light in a creative way.

My Own Definition Of Light - Light is when an object or a person is shown brighter.

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