Thursday 12 February 2015

Water Reflection - Work Diary

In this session I wanted to show the creative use of light through water reflection. I believe this shoot turned out really well because you can clearly see the reflection of the person or object that I photographed. In my shoot I mainly took photos of people standing by the edge of the water to show the disrupted reflection, but I also took photographs of objects to show their reflection. In some photographs the reflection was very distorted because of the moving water, I believe that this is very effective because it shows movement and distortion. On the other had when the water was still, the reflection was even clearer and that also looked effective. Light is shown quite subtly in this shoot because it is not obvious that light is the main theme, although I believe this idea was creative and unique whilst still portraying light.

This is my favourite picture that I took in this shoot, I really like it because of the central composition which ensures that the focal point of the image is clear to the viewer. I also really enjoy this image because of the distorted reflection in the water, this makes the image look more abstract and it also portrays light.

I also really like this photograph because of the distorted reflection as it gives the image a unique look. I also really like the composition of this image as it is slightly off-centre. The ripples in the water give this photograph a 3d effect. Light is shown in this photograph through the use of darker or lighter tones in the water, although it is not obvious that light is the main theme in this image, the use of light is done very well.

In next session I would like to try and experiment with silhouettes, I will do this in the studio using a spotlight. I think this is a good idea to show the creative use of light as not only is it creative, it also shows of light in an obvious way. Furthermore, I would also like to try and photograph more shadows, for example, in the studio I will photograph half of a persons face in the shadows.

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