Thursday 7 May 2015

Connecting Essay 3

This is a photograph I found on the internet, I believe this image is very good because of the contrast between the flame of the candle and the rest of the image, the flames make the image stand out because it is the only source of light in the image. Another aspect that makes this image stand is the reflection of the melted wax and the flames, this gives the photograph a 3d effect and makes it look more realistic. I also like the fact that there are multiple candles in this photograph because it shows off repetition, I believe this is very effective because if it was just one candle it wouldn't stand out as much.

This is a photograph that I took myself, I really like this photograph because of the way it shows of the creative use of light. There is a good contrast between the bright flame and the rest of the image, which makes the image stand out more. The use of reflection is also used in this image, the flame from the candle can be seen in the reflection of the wax, this gives the photograph a more 3d and realistic effect. Another aspect of this image which makes it stand out is the background, the background of this image has many patterns which is also contrasting from the smooth white candles. Depth is also shown in this image, as you can see, the candles at the back of the image look much smaller than the ones at the front, this gives the image a 3d effect and shows distance.

These two photographs are similar in many different ways, for example they both use candles to show off the creative use of light. Both of the photographs also have reflection which gives the images a more realistic look to them. Another factor both of these images have is the depth, this effect shows distance and gives the images a more 3d effect. In my opinion, I believe that my photograph is better because I think that in the image I found on the internet is too busy, whereas my photography have a background which contrast with the candles.

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