Tuesday 5 May 2015

Real Friends & All Time Low - Work Diary

In my own time, I went to a gig to photograph, I did the photography using the effect of motion blur. I believe that these photographs came out pretty well considering that I was quite far away. The lights in the venue were very colourful, so I made the shutter speed longer and moved the camera around as I shot a photograph. The photograph came out very well because they are very colourful and it looked abstract.
This is my favourite photograph from the shoot. I really like it because of the way light is used. The motion blur gives the effect of movement which it a creative way to portray the use of light. I really enjoy the use of all the different colours in this image because they are bold and bright, they make the image stand out.

This is another photograph I really like from my shoot as again, it shows off the creative use of light very well. This image has good contrast as there is a lot of black in the background, therefore the bright colours stand out even more. If I were to take this image again, I would change the exposure to make the focal point of the image more obvious.

In the next session, I would like to show the creative use of light through the use of depth. To do this I will do a location shoot around the college and capture depth in a variety of ways. I will try and portray the theme of the creative use of light in a more obvious way and subtly, most of this shoot will just be me experimenting with both depth and the creative use of light.

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